New Greater Love
Church of God in Christ
"A Touch of Heaven at 427"
Administrative Team

Elder Bernard Hardy
Bernard Hardy is a native of Southern California where he spent most of his life in and around the Long Beach area. He married his lovely bride over thirty years ago and is often heard saying he would marry her again in a heartbeat. He and his wife Deedra have four children and 3 grandchildren and many of the same values and traditions that his parents taught him are being instilled in them.
Bernard is Vice President of Retail Operations for Safeway’s prominent Northern California Division. Bernard’s versatility and effectiveness in dealing with people and his profound understanding of the grocery industry have helped him make significant contributions to the effectiveness of the company. Bernard brings dedication to every assignment along with a very optimistic “can do” attitude.
Bernard is an Elder, but it’s not about a position even though he understands the value and necessity of structure. Bernard loves the Lord and as always had the attitude of rolling up his sleeves and assisting in the ministry to serve the people. He learned a long time ago, it’s not about him, but it is about God. Bernard has operated in many areas of the church and has benefited the ministry with financial acumen and planning/organization skills.
Executive Assistant

Missionary Faith Drivers
Mother Faith Drivers was born in Mobile, Alabama on February 2, 1952. Growing up, she attended Mount Zion Baptist Church. Her only hobbies were cooking, baby-sitting and sewing. She was married in 1967 and from that union two sons were born, Arthur and Willie Seals. Unfortunately they divorced years later.
In 1976, she accepted the Lord as her personal Savior and moved to Oakland, CA where Granny Goose employed her. She became a member of The Center of Hope Community Church, under the leadership of Pastor Earnestine Reems. She worked in the ministry as choir secretary, choir member, Sunday School teacher, youth department leader, in prayer, and as a missionary.
She met Clarence Drivers August of 1977. Pastor Reems married them on December 17, 1977. Within 16 years of being married, they opened their own business in Oakland. They later moved to Lodi, CA. They now reside in Stockton, CA. The Lord blessed them to adopt Maurice and Char-Maine Drivers.
In 1994, she became a member of The New Greater Love Institutional Church of God in Christ under the leadership of the late founder and pastor, Supt. L.A. Larkins Sr. Under the leadership of Pastor June, she is a missionary, church mother, and the president of the women's department.
Church Mother

Sis. Deirdre Ponce De Leon
Deirdre was born in Stockton, California on June 6th. She considers herself to be truly blessed for she was not brought up or made to go to Church, but felt the Lord knocking at the door of her heart at an early age. Deirdre finally gave in to the Lord and began attending New Greater Love COGIC on Weber and E., under the leadership of the late Supt. L.A. Larkins.
She attended San Joaquin Delta College with the hopes of becoming a Registered Nurse. Several year later, she attended MTI Business College where she gained a certificate as a Medical Receptionist and later attended DeVry University where she completed her courses for a degree in Health Information Technology.
Deirdre has been blessed with three gifted and talented daughters, Artesia, Keirsten and Trinity Gaines.
She is grateful to the Lord every day and holds close to her heart the teachings of the late Supt. Larkins. Now under the leadership of Elder Tony E. June Jr., Deirdre is learning what it means to be a mature saint, and also the importance of being whole spiritually, emotionally, and mentally and as a result has seen tremendous growth in her own life.
She will tell anybody that she was happy sitting on the second pew of the Church, but the Lord said differently. In the ministry, Deirdre currently serves as Church Administrator.
Church Administrator

Minister Paul Sherman
Minister Sherman was born in New Orleans Louisiana, and raised in Sacramento California. In 2010 he fell in love and married Nadira Jones Sherman, his wife of eight years. Together they have four beautiful children.
Minister Sherman also served as a counselor for at risk youth, at The Rite of Passage Educational Institution, in Calaveras County, Ca. By witnessing up close and personal, the manifested pain and suffering of both teenagers, and adults, he was able to lead some to Christ.
Minister Sherman loves God with all this heart, and he loves serving the people of God. He's a very fun, loving, and humble man of God, who is invested in serving and building God's Kingdom.
Young Adults' Ministry

Sis. Nadira Sherman
Nadira was born in Barstow, California on September 4th. Her roots in salvation began at Barstow Church of God in Christ until her father’s job transferred the family to northern California.
Nadira obtained an AA degree from San Joaquin Delta College. Several years later she attended MTI Business College and graduated with a Paralegal Degree and finally graduated from University of Phoenix with a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. Nadira has over 10 years’ experience as a paralegal.
Nadira is happily married to Minister Paul Sherman and have a merged their children totaling 3 boys and 2 girls- JaLen (wife- Alexandria), D’Marcus, Koa, Alonie and AniYah.
Nadira have unforgettable memories as a former member of Saint’s Center Community Church under the leadership of Bishop Jason Hunt, now retired. At SCCC, Nadira gained experience and a love for praise & worship, co-choir director, couple’s ministry, youth ministry, activities & events and more. Sacramento was most logical for the pursuit of a new church home. However, Nadira, saw clear and vivid a vision that her family would join New Greater Love. She presented the vision to her husband and allowed him and God to discuss it further. Today, we are richly enthused and blessed to be a part of the NGL family! Nadira serves on the finance team and with her husband as mentors for the Young Adult Ministry.
Young Adults' Ministry

Lady Natalie June
Passion, endurance, sincerity, leader, dedication and inspirational are all words that describe Mrs. Natalie Renele June.
A Stockton native, Natalie was born on November 1, 1981, to the loving parents of Robert and Patricia Lyons. She attended James Monroe Elementary School, John Marshall Middle School, and Lincoln High School. Growing up Natalie realized that she had a special love and desire to motivate and encourage people, especially young people. So, she pursued her goals by attending and graduating from the University of the Pacific and now holds a BA degree in Liberal Studies with a concentration in Mathematics and a Masters of Education degree in Curriculum and Instruction.
Beginning as a tutor, she broadened her horizons to include teaching, supporting teachers and students as a math instructional coach, serving as the Principal at Aspire Rosa Parks Academy and now she is the Director of Teacher Residency in the Central Valley, with Alder Graduate School of Education. She is respected and loved by others for simply being a “real” and warm person.
While she carries many obligations, her family remains a priority, Natalie ensures that her other covenant relationships as wife and mother are well maintained. She faithfully serves as her husband’s helpmate and is an involved mother for their daughters Semaj and Mila.
She carries a central message with her: value others and your relationships and share what you’ve been given with others.
Board of Directors

Eld Benerd Hardy
Financial Chair

Missy Pat Lyons
Financial Analyst

Renae Jeffrey

Deac Chester Lyons

Demetria Seawood

Artesia Gaines

Semaj Martin