New Greater Love
Church of God in Christ
"A Touch of Heaven at 427"
New Members
New Member Orientation
Orientation Topics:
- Church History
- Organizational Structure of the Church
- Financial Support (Tithes and Offering)
- Church of God in Christ Ordinances/Ceremonies
- Spiritual Development (Salvation, Sanctification, and the Holy Ghost)
- Utilizing Your Gifts in the Ministry
*These classes must be completed before serving at the church.*
New Members Luncheon
A New Members Luncheon will be held and will serve as a meet and greet with the Pastor and First Lady. Also, auxiliary leaders will be present to share the mission/vision of their departments, ministries, and auxiliaries.
Upon completing the required New Members Orientation, you will be presented with a certificate showing successful completion of the New Membership Program and you will officially become a member of the New Greater Love C.O.G.I.C.