New Greater Love
Church of God in Christ
"A Touch of Heaven at 427"
Our History

In 1960, by the direction and the moving of the Holy Spirit, Reverend Lee Larkins Sr., along with his family, were called to the Pastorship of the Bible Way Church of God in Christ in Stockton, California with a membership of ten.
By 1962, a new direction was given as Reverend Larkins accepted the brief Pastorship of Wayside Church of God in Christ in Weed, California. Several years later in 1970, the late Bishop E.E. Hamilton appointed Revered Larkins to Pastorship of the Friendly Church of God in Christ.
In 1973, services again were moved, this time to the Pastor & Wife's house in their living room. After a few services, they moved to a storefront building on East Main Street in Stockton, California. At this time, the membership was about twenty members strong. Once again, changes came about and they moved back to the living room. From the living room, they moved to the Stribley Park Gymnasium, but they only held a few services there.
Shortly after, in 1974, they held services on Sundays only at the Sierra Vista Housing Authority Gymnasium. However, once again they were back to the living room. It was at this time that the Lord showed the Pastor a vision that He had a building for us that was heated, carpeted, and affordable. God has never been wrong yet, and in 1979 they moved to that building at the corner of Weber & "E" Street. Their slogan was "The place to be is at Weber & E". They were proud of this little but warm place. It was heated, carpeted, affordable, and they didn't have to share the building for services.
By 1976, the membership started to grow and the Lord began to bless in every way. It was during this period that the Lord gave word to Reverend Larkins to change the name of the church to Greater Love Church of God in Christ.
In 1990, during one Sunday morning anointed message, Pastor Larkins told the church that the Lord showed him that He (the Lord) was going to fill the Weber & E building to capacity, and after that they would be blessed with a new place. Pastor adamantly said that the Lord said they would not have to build, and they didn't.
By the end of 1991, the Greater Love Church on Weber & E Street was packed to capacity every Sunday morning with a complete music department, twenty-five member choir, a deacon board of five, a women's department, and several associated elders and ministers.
It was early February 1992 when Pastor Larkins got a call from one minister asking him to meet with him to look at a building that could possibly be the church. Reluctantly, Pastor Larkins met with the minister and after viewing the building the Holy Spirit quickened Pastor Larkins and confirmed that this was the building. The following Sunday, Pastor Larkins informed the church family of this exciting news and said to the church "It's now or never". The congregation responded, "It is now!"
On April 19, 1992 (Easter Sunday morning), they marched from Greater Love on Weber & E Street to The New Greater Love sanctuary where we now say "A Touch of Heaven a t 427."
"God knows what He is doing."